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A member registered Feb 22, 2019

Recent community posts

This was a good game TBH. I have completed 2 out of 3 ending and had a good time while playing it. Love from India(⌐■_■)

This was a very good game although I crashed the map two times😂, but still it was fun. Waiting for the update, Love from India  ❤

This was a very good game and I loved the attention to detail with different choices that have different impacts although minor ones but they do have an impact. Love from India

Hello devs, I have played this game and Although this game is short it really packs a solid punch of horror especially the atmosphere. Love from India

Hello Devs, I have really enjoyed the style of this game along with the mechanics although they are sometimes a bit laggy but all over a really good game. I am looking for more games like this, Love from India

Hello Devs, I want to say that this is a really good game with fun mechanics and the plot is engaging though it is short It was really good experience. Love from India

Hello I am from India and I tried this game and want to say that this game is really good and can be improved like more jumpscares btw if this game gets full release I am definitely going to play this game